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Frequently Asked Questions About Neurofeedback

Sep 24, 2021
Woman Thinking — Lousiville, KY — BrainCore Therapy of Louisville
The science of mental health has advanced by leaps and bounds over the decades, incorporating new techniques and technologies to give patients more options than ever. One such option, neurofeedback, can play an important role in stabilizing and optimizing brain function.

If you or others in your life suffer from neurological or psychological issues such as seizures, ADHD, or mood disorders, learn as much as you can about neurofeedback's mechanisms, processes, and effectiveness. Put your brain to work on the following frequently asked questions about this form of treatment.

What Does Neurofeedback Involve?
Neurofeedback, also known as EEG (electroencephalogram) biofeedback, uses biofeedback techniques to help retrain a brain suffering from abnormal function. It uses a combination of brainwave monitors and an interface that expresses brain activity in terms of visual images or sounds.

Doctors administer neurofeedback by attaching electrodes to the head of the individual who undergoes treatment. These electrodes register changes in brain activity. The patient's efforts to change the images and sounds cause the brain to react in ways that, over time, can change the way the brain works for the better.

What Conditions Can Neurofeedback Treat?
Neurofeedback has shown great promise for its ability to help people gain better control over a variety of mental and emotional disorders, although doctors don't present the technique as an outright cure. It commonly gets prescribed as a complement to other therapeutic techniques as part of a holistic healing strategy.

Just a few of the conditions neurofeedback helps include cerebral palsy, seizures, brain problems related to congenital conditions or birth trauma, developmental delays, and autism. It can also help with mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, as well as pediatric issues such as bedwetting and ADHD.

How Does Neurofeedback Compare to Other Treatments?
Neurofeedback has certain advantages over other forms of brain treatment. For instance, the fact that it doesn't involve drugs means that you don't have to worry about addiction, overdose, or interactions with other medications. Its ability to modify brain function long-term treats underlying causes rather than just alleviating symptoms.

Researchers continue to study neurofeedback's effectiveness at tackling various mental issues. One study involved children aged seven to eleven who suffered from ADHD. The study showed that the children who received neurofeedback enjoyed greater improvement than those who received cognitive therapy or a placebo.

What Should You Expect From Neurofeedback Treatment?
Your first neurofeedback sessions will start with a general health consultation. The mental health professional who administers the therapy will discuss your current issues, medical history, lifestyle, and other factors that might affect your brain function. This session may also include an initial test to establish a brain function baseline.

Once the practitioner has attached the electrodes to your head and activated the electroencephalograph machine, you'll see visual representations of your brain activity on a monitor. Your practitioner may then ask you to focus on changing the image (or any sounds you might hear through your headphones).

These stimuli can take a variety of forms, from simple shapes and repeated tones to video game graphics with musical accompaniment. This aspect of the therapy makes treatment more fun for younger patients in particular.

Expect the changes neurofeedback therapy produces to take time. As in so many forms of treatment, neurofeedback therapy may require multiple sessions as the brain slowly retrains itself.

If you want to learn more about the powerful potential of neurofeedback, turn to BrainCore Neurofeedback of Louisville. We can help you decide whether this form of treatment makes sense for your particular needs and challenges. Contact us with any questions and set up an initial appointment.
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